Working With Fashion Bloggers for Product Promotion and Purchasing Decisions Is Smart

Working With Fashion Bloggers for Product Promotion and Purchasing Decisions Is Smart

What better way than through bloggers to find out what consumers really want, and what they like or dislike about a product? Plus, aligning with a popular blogger can mean good exposure for a product, whether it's clothing, accessories or makeup.
Bloggers are Hugely Influential
Word of mouth but amped up is a great way to describe bloggers. They have a far greater outreach and reach more people all at once than one friend or neighbour expressing their thoughts on to another. Plus, their market is the exact one in which product manufacturers want to reach!
Influential people could be anyone from the person next door to a famous celebrity. bloggers exist somewhere in that mix, but what most don't realize is that the reach of a blogger is far greater than others, in fact up to 80% higher! Plus, many consumers feel a smaller community is more influential.
No matter the size of their community, the fact they are regarded as experts on these products is enough to make consumers step out and try them out more so than they would at the suggestion of a neighbour.
It's been found that the majority of bloggers are women, which is no surprise. A significant number are also mothers. This is great for those who are looking for real advice from family friendly bloggers. Let's face it, there aren't too many moms that can afford high. bloggers that know what styles are hot and then recommend on where to get them for less are extra important in the blogging community, according to studies.
Bloggers are Perfect for Product Research
Who better to test out a new product than a popular blogger? They help consumers learn more about a product they are considering buying, and a good review gives them the confidence necessary to make the investment. The internet is at everyone's fingertips now, so it is the prime source for those wanting information to do the research.
Recent reports state that around 40% of shoppers are influenced by bloggers, and just a bit larger percentage purchase based off the retail site or store itself, so anyone can see the significance! Using blog posts for purchasing decisions is really no surprise when one thinks about it. Marketing companies are getting crafty, and why not use these popular faces and opinions to promote their products?
Are They Paid to Promote?
The answer here is yes and no. Some bloggers are paid to promote, but in most cases the more popular are not. They certainly receive the products for free to try out and promote. Some companies may tell them only to blog if they enjoy the product.
Many PR and outreach teams promote earned media which is free coverage via promotion instead of advertising. This means they (the blogger) won't get paid sponsor fees or post fees. It's a more honest approach.
Giveaways are another benefit to following a blogger. Not only do they give real advice, they sometimes are given products to hold a prize/giveaway or sample promotion to their followers. This gives them a "first look" and opportunity to try out the same thing that their favourite blogger is.
There are plenty of reasons to hire or follow a blogger for the final in real advice and opinions on the latest products offered.


Natascha Cox is a well-known beauty professional in the UK. Her blog advises on many current beauty, fashion and travel trends and is followed by many women and men of all ages, worldwide. With many followers on her blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and many other social media outlets, it's no secret that she's quick becoming the authority for those who want to make a lasting impression. She reviews products of all kinds, and many seek her out to review their items and give an honest review that's useful to all. To learn more, please visit

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