Veterans Day is marked across Southern California with host of celebrations

Veterans Day is marked across Southern California with host of celebrations

from parades to music celebrations festsconventions , Veterans Day will be marked Saturday by a variety of events across El monteThe south.

Long Beach will host its 21st twelve-monthlygross annual Veterans Day Parade startingstart at 10 a. meters. at South Street and Elm Avenue. Festivities include food and music that will continue until 3 p. m. on Ocean Avenue, near South RoadStreetsAvenue.

The 14th twelve-monthlygross annual San Fernando Valley Veterans Day timeTimeWorking day Parade is scheduled to commenceget started at 11: eleven1014 a. m. at the corner of Laurel EncolureGosierJugulaire and San Fernando ObjectiveQuest Boulevard in Mission HillsidesSlopesInclines}. More than 100 expertsold soldiers groups are scheduled to show upto lookappearing in the parade. Persons also be a carnival at the Ritchie Valens Recreation Center.

The second twelve-monthlygross annual Veterans Day Music Festival will be keptplacedorganised from 11 a. meters. until 4 p. meters. in front of the Battleship Iowa, which is docked at the SlotInterfaceDock of Los Angeles in San Pedro. There will be a free health clinic and free tripstravelsexcursions of the battleship for veterans and current service members.

Pasadena will sponsorweb hostnumber a Veterans Day Commemoration at 10: 30 a. m. beforefacinglooking at City CorridorAreaLounge}. Festivities will determine with an 11 a. meters. flyover of World BattleConflictWarfare II-era fighter planes.

Malibu will host its eighteenth twelve-monthlygross annual Veteran's Day General publicOpen publicCommunity Ceremony from 11 a. m. to 1 gls}. m. at Malibu TownMetropolis Hall's Civic Theater. The big eventThe weddingThe case will include speakers, ballroom dancersballet dancers}, music and refreshments.

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