Is it Really this Easy to Get Free Advertising?

Is it Really this Easy to Get Free Advertising?

One of the best ways to get free advertising is to simply write articles and give them away. It’s a foreign concept to many in online business, but it’s one of the best ways to get traffic, improve your search engine ranking, and sell more products.
Why Should You Write Articles?
Newsletter and website owners are desperate for content. As someone who owns websites and publishes several newsletters, I can vouch for this. I regularly search article directories, looking for quality information that will help my readers. And, every article I use from these resources gets published with the author’s information and a link to their site.
Why Give The Articles Away?
How much would you pay to include your ad in a newsletter or popular website? Anywhere from $5 to $80. Wouldn’t you prefer to have your ad placed for free? It’s easy to see the financial reward. Look at the bottom of this article. Right there, plain as day, you can see a resource box with my website included, so you have proof that this method works.
How do you write an article?
Take another look at the article that you’re reading right now. It’s short. It’s simple. I’m not a Literary Genius. I’m just being me.
Start by picking something you know about, or a problem that you can solve, and start writing. Just do it!
What should you include in the Author Bio?
Your Name
Something interesting about you or your websiteYour website link – Don’t forget this one!Special offer – Mention a freebie or special offer if you have one.Don’t use this area to *sell*. Just get them to your site.

May you have lots and lots of free advertising!
Author Resource – Nicole Dean is published all over the web, under numerous pen names. She welcomes you to visit to get started using article marketing to boost your business today.
Affiliate Program: Easy Article Marketing

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